Friday, December 3, 2010


Well! Everybody dreams to be a part of something, something that you are proud to be. This article named, “On legal status, it's academic,” by Ruben Navarrette Jr., writes about the illegal immigrant living in U.S, who works hard and do the dirty jobs that previous generations of American did without complaints, but now, the time is changing, and the tables are turning. Illegal immigrants were used to be invisible, but as a time changes, they seem to be everywhere. 
In this article, writer talks about an illegal immigrants like Pedro Ramirez, an undocumented immigrant, who is running for the student body president at California State University, Fresno, but recently, he has to withdraw his name from student body president, because he is an illegal immigrant. Writer, Navarrette argues that one doesn’t have to be a U.S citizen to run for an office in student government, it’s not as if, he is running for governor, or president! However, this article is related with illegal (undocumented) immigrant students, who lack of a Social Security number, an impediment for receiving financial aid, and how can DREAM ACT help them to secure their future
The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act (The "DREAM Act") is a piece of proposed federal legislation in the United States that was first introduced in the United States Senate. This bill will provide certain illegal and deportable alien students like Pedro Ramirez, who graduate from US high schools and arrived in the U.S, illegally as minors, and have been in the country continuously and illegally for at least five years prior to the bill’s enactment. 
The Dream Act is an opportunity for those illegal students to earn conditional permanent residency if they complete two years in the military or two years at a four-year institution of higher learning. The illegal alien students would obtain temporary residency for a six-year period. If Congress passes Dream Act law, it permits anyone, including undocumented immigrants, who attended and graduate from high school in the state to pay the in-state rate at public college and universities.
At Fresno State, you don't have to be a U.S. citizen to run for an office in student government. If the DREAM Act become a law, student like Ramirez would be an ideal candidate for eventual citizenship. Until it does, he's a candidate for deportation. 

1 comment:

  1. Sovana Dangols’ editorial is a good piece about the current immigration status in America. I agree that the dream act is a perfect way for immigrants to get integrated into the country. If someone shows that they are fully determined to strive forward in life and they show it in their school work and community service, there is no reason to deny them of educational rights.

    The dream act should be enacted now, so that it will set an example for other minorities in our country and show them that with determination anyone can get ahead in life, regardless of their financial status. America needs change now more than ever and with the ever growing number of immigrants in our country there needs to be a law that allows those who are immigrants to be able to succeed just like anyone else.
