Thursday, November 11, 2010

Officially!! It needs to be done!!

Legalizing Marijuana, is that a good idea?  Well!! In my view, of course we should? California, New Mexico and other states has already legalized marijuana as a medicine with a doctor’s prescription. In this commentary article “Legalized it,”  by  Ms. Henricks, critiques and argues about legalizing Marijuana
In this article, she talks about how Legalizing Marijuana can benefit states economics as well as medical fields. However, somewhere in this article I felt that she should have made strong arguments in regards to providing legal supplies of currently illegal drugs. If government legalized these drugs, the price of the drugs will fall, leads to collapsed in the illegal drug industry, and reduces crimes committed by both drug suppliers and users. The reduction in the price will lead to little, if any, growth in drug addiction, due to the inelasticity of demand in markets, drug use may fall overall, by removing the marketing activities of the illegal drug industry, besides giving information about Marijuana and its effect
I do strongly agree with her argument about states spending 10 billion dollars fighting marijuana uses, but the prohibition is not preventing people form growing it, selling it, or using it. But, in my opinion, twenty-five million people per year smoke marijuana illegally, now its time to take a new approach. Let the states regulate marijuana like alcohol. Marijuana can sell for thousand  per pound, and is the largest cash crop of the country. Severe physiological addiction has been demonstrated for tobacco (stronger than cocaine), but no strong physiological addiction has been shown for marijuana. Why there is hesitation to pass the law to legalize use of Marijuana even Government’s own studies have shown that marijuana has its own efficacy.

TOBACCO …………………… 400,000

ALCOHOL …………………… 100,000

ALL LEGAL DRUGS ………….20,000



ASPIRIN ………………………500

MARIJUANA…………………. 0

Source: United States government
National Institute on Drug Abuse,
 Bureau of Mortality Statistics

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